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Daphne comes to retirement after racing for just 6 months. She’s very much a people-dog, and is submissive and respectful with humans. We discovered after she came to Nashville that she has an old non-healed fracture on a back leg, but it hasn’t stopped her from running and she has no limp. While Daphne has shown classic greyhound heart and spirit with this break, she will do best in a home without stairs for her ultimate adoption.
Puppy with her Grandma - lovely
Vinthundsraser (sighthounds): Afghanhund / Azawakh / Borzoi (rysk vinthund) / Chart polski (polsk vinthund) / Galgo español (spansk vinthund) / Greyhound / Irländsk varghund / Italiensk vinthund / Magyar agár (ungersk vinthund) / Saluki / Skotsk hjorthund / Sloughi / Whippet. Vinthundsliknande pariahundar: Cirneco dell'etna / Faraohund (Kelb tal-Fenek) / Podenco canario / Podenco ibicenco (balearisk hund) / Podengo portugues.
.: Band of Brothers :. by Frank-Beer on DeviantArt
Galgo and Irish Wolfhounds