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journaling or just drawing? inspiration below :)
99 Pins
Walktheline (the art room plant)
Sometimes the simplest tiniest drawings give so much pleasure and with this thought I share this...
worth 1000 words: blustery bear - Small for Big
Bear Illustration by Black Bunny - so perfect for our blustery cold spring weather! See more at SmallforBig.com
'Wintersleep' available in online auction now.
ART | ILLUSTRATION by Marjolein Caljouw: 'Wintersleep' available in online auction now.
Bamboo in a box makes a portable screen
containers for growing bamboo outside | ... the garden. It is the main reason people give for not growing bamboo
Dark Silence In Suburbia
"From beneath his slouched hat Ahab dropped a tear into the sea; nor did all the Pacific ocean contain such wealth as that one drop." (The Symphony, Melville)
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Happy Alpacas by Sarah Walsh/PetitReve on Etsy