Zahrada / Garden

312 Pins
43 Dreamy Patio Ideas You'll Want to Steal ASAP
A little patch of lawn goes a long way when designed to roll alongside a dimensional cut stone patio. We love the contrast of the dark charcoal stone and sharp green grass.
Schwimmteich anlegen |
Wer genug Platz im #Garten hat, könnte sich für die heißen Sommertage einen #Schwimmteich bauen. Vorteil gegenüber einem Pool: Er wird nicht mit Chlor sondern auf natürliche Weise gereinigt.
Growing Hostas
This guide is about growing hostas. As foliage plants, hostas offer an unmatched range of patterns, colors, and sizes of plants.
Grow Bags of Spuds... 2013 I think I am going to use all those plastic feed bags I have lying around in the garage. It's worth a try...
A Movable Feast: Berlin's Community Garden - Remodelista
a moveable feast. this berlin garden is moved indoors every winter by grocery cart. amazing. via Remodlista
A Garden Over Twenty Years in the Making (Part 1)
Visually appealing border that varies plant heights like notes in a musical score.
Shade tolerant caladium and maidenhair fern planted in a white cast-iron urn. Container garden. Container planting.