Polymer návody

182 Pins
This may contain: a hand holding a black case with an orange circle on it
Emperor Penguin Earrings
Let's Make Some Emperor Penguin Earrings. A full tutorial is available on my Youtube channel JessamaTutorials #polymerclay #polymerclaytutorial #polymerclayearrings #diy #craft #art #polymerclayhowto
This may contain: a person holding a bottle of clay next to a plant with the words how to embed earring posts in polymer clay
How to embed earring posts in polymer clay earrings
Difficulty: Medium Tools • Polymer clay • Oven bake clay adhesive by Sculpey • Earring posts • Clay cutters • Cardstock
How to use a silicone cabochon mold with polymer clay Supplies: Premo polymer clay gold, cobalt blue and white Silicone mold 26. https://jessamadesign.etsy.com/listing/1199443014 #polymerclay #polymerclaysupplies #polymerclayaustralia #polyclay #claytools #shapecutter #claystamp #polymerclaycutters #polymerclayworkshop #claystamps #claycutters #polymerclayartist #polymerclaytutorial #polymerclayloves #polymerclaycommunity #polymerclayobsession #polymerclayearrings #polyclay #polymerclaymold...
Amazing faux gemstone earrings reveal ✨ These are available now on my Etsy shop ✨ . . . Follow us for more ✨ . . . #giftideas #smallbusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #clayearrings #clayartist #polimerclayart #polimerclayearringsforsale #etsyhandmade #etsyseller #polymeerimassakorut #polimerclayworkshop #polimerclayfimo #kolczykizmodeliny #projektbiżuterii #bizuteriahandmade #etsysellersofinstagram #viralreels #reelsoftheday #polymerclaycreations #polymerclaytutorial #jewe...
Amazing faux rose stone earrings reveal ✨ Love this elegant and spring vibes collection ✨ These beauties are available on my Etsy shop. . . . #smallbusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #clayearrings #clayartist #polimerclayart #polimerclayearringsforsale #etsyhandmade #etsyseller #polymeerimassakorut #polimerclayworkshop #polimerclayfimo #kolczykizmodeliny #projektbiżuterii #bizuteriahandmade #etsysellersofinstagram #viralreels #reelsoftheday #polymerclaycreations #polymercla...
This may contain: three pairs of black and gold studs in front of a starburst wall decoration
NYE clay earrings
#polymerclay #polymerclayjewelry #polymerclayjewelry
This may contain: a young boy making a gingham slab out of construction paper with scissors and glue
Make a gingham polymer clay slab
Difficulty: Difficult Tools: • Polymer clay • Pasta machine • Cutting knife