
100 Pins
Couscous Salad with Lime Basil Vinaigrette
A bright, zippy, unexpectedly delicious couscous salad that’s packed with sweet potatoes, black beans, spinach, feta, and more – all tossed with a life-changing lime basil vinaigrette!
This may contain: a person pouring red lentils into a glass container with bread in it and the words, red lentils mini - loaf breads
Red Lentils mini-loaf Breads
In order to make our lentils bread even more nutritious and filling, we added cottage cheese and eggs to boost their protein content even more! If you give these mini breads a try, you’ll be surprised how good they are!
Sweet Potato Salad (w. creamy mustard dressing)
Oven-roasted or air-fried sweet potato salad with ripe avocado, arugula, creamy mustard dressing, and a tiny bit of feta cheese is a delicious, colorful, and nutritious meal.
Salát z červené čočky, řepy a sýru feta
Salát z červené čočky, řepy a sýru feta | RESTART HUBNUTÍ
salátový dresink s mákem
Hubnete? Máme pro vás 3 saláty, po kterých nebudete mít hlad! - Prož