
44 Pins
Morning Yoga Flow
Unter dieser Playlist findest du tolle Yogaflows zum mitmachen. Einfach anklicken und gemeinsam mit mir entspannen und deinen Körper dehnen und kräftigen.
Le yoga poétique et contrasté de Dana
Le yoga poétique et contrasté de Dana
Two of my favorite variations of extended puppy pose (swipe to see more!) Extended puppy and its variations are great for opening up the upper back, throat and shoulders. I had seen the first one on @aubrymarie 's page a while back and started practicing it, and the second variation on @cyogalab and it became one of my favorites to practice/teach. Things to note: - If regular extended puppy on the floor is still a challenge, work on that by trying to reach your chest and throat down to the fl...
How I learned.... #Sirsasana aka #BoundHeadstand 1. Measure arm placement by reaching for outside of elbows. 2. Interlace fingers and palms remain open. Place crown of head down on the floor (envision where you could balance books if walking ). 3. Stand legs up and walk feet in (coming off heels), working to stack hips over shoulders. Elbows magnetized toward one another. 4. Roll as high as you can in the toes (find almost weightlessness in feet) and lift knee into chest. Core engages. 5