
51 Pins
15 juguetes hechos con cartones: ríete de la cuesta de enero ;)
Para empezar, una confesión: me encantan los contenedores. Que a ver, no es que vaya rebuscando en ellos, ni loca con lo aprensiva que soy, pero si apoyado en el suelo encuentro algo que me guste y que aún no haya sido meado por un perro, allá que me lo cargo al hombro y lo
Time for Couch Crafting
Summer activity for kids. Cardboard tv. Male commercials of your favorite cereal snacks etc.
DIY Pirate Ship for my preschool class. Cardboard box, wrapping paper tube, dollar store shower curtain
Coolest Homemade Space Shuttle Halloween Costume
DIY Space Shuttle
Can You Name the Three Ships That Sailed with Columbus?
Papercrafts and other fun things: Can You Name the Three Ships That Sailed with Columbus?
Super easy toddler bulldozer halloween costume! Diaper box painted yellow, flaps are cut and painted to form bucket. Dollar tree gift boxes painted black for wheels, black bulletin board boarder for track. Black cardboard for grill and inside bucket. And two stick on touch lights from dollar tree for headlights. Black ribbon for straps (cross in the back to keep from slipping off shoulders). CAT decals and done! We had a smoke stack from a paper towel roll but it kept coming off.
DIY Pirate Costume - Easy And Awesome! - AppleGreen Cottage
An easy idea for a last minute DIY PIRATE costume. Have a look!