
182 Pins
Closeup of One of King Tutankhamun's golden throne chairs with image of the pharaoh and his wife Ankhesenamun New Kingdom 18th Dynasty Egypt 1332-1323 BCE
The exhibition THE DISCOVERY OF KING TUT - New York
Figure of the god Ptah H. 60,2 cm
Statue of Ptah is on display during the "Tutankhamun And The Golden...
Tutankhamun And The Golden Age Of The Pharaohs" Exhibit Opening
God Ptah and goddess Sekhmet
God Ptah and goddess Sekhmet | Sekhmet is the lion-headed sitting figureine. From Tutankhamun's Tomb. Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Seated figure of the goddess Sekhmet ona throne New Kingdom 18th Dynasty Egypt 1332-1323 BC