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Nedda Parker-Birdsong (a daughter of Quanah Parker, and the wife of Aubrey Birdsong) - Comanche - circa 1899
UPDATED: Cree Woman Wins Beauty Pageant, Immediately Turns Spotlight to Stephen “Missing and Murdered Women Not a Priority” Harper
Crow man - 1883. Visit us. Pinned by indus® in honor of the indigenous people of North America who have influenced our indigenous medicine and spirituality by virtue of their being a member of a tribe from the Western Region through the Plains including the beginning of time until tomorrow.
Chiricahuah Apache prisoner of war Isabelle Perico Enjady. Fort Sill, Oklahoma. ca. 1900
Historic Apache Indian Girls Photo Gallery
American Indian's History: Historic Apache Indian Girls Photo Gallery
A Kiowa Mother and Child.
An old photograph of a Kiowa Mother and Child.