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This time in english😅🙈 For my new followers😆🎉😘 Where are you from? 💛🩵❤️🩷💜🧡💚 Small craft and gift idea for Mother’s Day or any other nice occasion🤭 🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸 You can download the coloring templates with instructions (in English and German) via the link in my profile😘 Colors: @desdaverlag 🌈🤗 Have a wonderful day everyone😘☀️ @binebraendle #binebrändle #download #template #crafting #giftidea #coloring #mothersday #diy #popupcard #bouquetofflowers #flowers
This contains an image of: Cute Package For Gift.  Save and try this craft tutorial. You will need it to pack gift some day.
Cute Package For Gift. Save and try this craft tutorial. You will need it to pack gift some day.