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Make This DIY Modern Couch That Also Doubles As A Desk
This tutorial for a DIY modern couch teaches you how to create a couch with a wood frame and leather cushions that also doubles as a desk.
Epic Fail…Mosaic Bird Bath
Glass beaded bird bath... more than beautiful... it's BRILLIANT!
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fairy house, several different ideas on this site, base is a jar
Start A Fire
Learn how to create beautiful indoor planted water gardens in glass containers complete with beta fish from Tilly's Nest
Forcing bulbs in water and rocks
In a glass container, make a bed of polished stones or glass beads. Orient each bulb with its flat side down and position it atop the st...
Circular Framed Planters Add Living Art to Your Walls — Colossal
Circular Framed Planters Add Living Art to Your Walls