video návody, instruktions

232 Pins
Biquíni tomara que caia em crochê - passo a passo
Biquíni tomara que caia em crochê - passo a passo - YouTube
How to Crochet the Modified Daisy Stitch
How to Crochet the Modified Daisy Stitch
Ke moet wel rond haken (of steeds van dezelfde kant beginnen). Voor en achterkant zijn verschillend.
How to Crochet a Poncho
How to crochet a poncho. Today we are going to learn how. We are sharing one of the most precise poncho tutorials. The instructions are easy to follow. Take your time and you are going to have yourself a brand new poncho. Enjoy the tutorial.. . .
Кардиган – реглан сверху от Светланы Заяц
Кардиган – реглан сверху от Светланы Заяц вязаный спицами
Тапочки следки спицами с высокой пяткой // Василиса
Тапочки следки спицами с высокой пяткой //Василиса - YouTube