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Návod na macramé andělská křídla
Návod na macramé andělská křídla - YouTube
61K views · 503 reactions | Macrame Christmas Tree Tutorial I used 10 pieces of cord 40 inches long of 3mm thick macrame cotton cord, you will also need a star and 8 wooden beads size 15mm To start add two pieces of cord to the star using a cow hitch knot Row 1 • make one square knot Row 2 • add one length of cord to each side of your square knot and make two square knots. Row 3 • add a wooden bead to the first and last cord on this row and use the 4 cords in the middle to make one square knot (leaving out the first two cords at the left and right). Row 4 • make two square knots Row 5 • add a length of cord to the left and right of this row and make 3 square knots Row 6 • add a wooden bead to the first and last cord and add two square knots to the 8 middle cords (leaving out the first two cords at the left and right) Row 7 • make 3 square knots Row 8 • add two lengths of cord to the left and right and make 4 square knots Row 9 • add a wooden bead to the first and last cord make 3 square knots (leaving out the first two cords at the left and right). Row 10 • make 4 square knots Row 11 • add two pieces of cord to the left and right and make 5 square knots Row 12 • add a wooden bead to the first and last cord (leaving out the first two cords at the left and right) and make 4 square knots Row 13 • make 5 square knots To finish add a piece of sting about 12 inches long to the bottom and make a row of double half hitch knots just like I did in the video but I had to speed it up because I was running out of time ⌛️ #macramechristmastree #macrametutorial #macramechristmasornament #macramechristmasdecoration #macrametree | Caroline Fleming
1.2M views · 18K reactions | Magic Sakura made of Yarn 🌸🧶 | Magic Sakura made of Yarn 🌸🧶 | By MiLena HandmadeFacebook
19K views · 13K reactions | Maravilhoso, comente aqui embaixo o que achou 🥰 📸: @missknottie.macrame 👏🏻👏🏻 Para receber as melhores dicas de macramê siga 👇🏻 @macramemagnifico ❤️ #macramedecor #macramebrasil #macramê #macramè #macramechile #macrametutorial #macramemandala #macramé #artesanatolucrativo #tagify_app #artesanatodecorativo #artesanatoevida #artesanatopassoapasso #artesanatoterapia #artesanatofeitocomamor #macrameespaña #macrameportugal #macrameargentina #macrameuruguay | Macramê Magnífico | Marvel83' · So This Is for You
74K views · 20K reactions | Perfeita 😍 Comenta o que você achou 👇🏻 📷 @atelie.darro Siga @macrame.paz para mais inspirações ❤️ Aprenda Macrame do zero, link na bio. | Macramê 🧶 | The Beach Boys · Surfin U.S.A.
Gorgeous Macrame tree of life wall hanging -Simplest Macrame Wall Hanger
Gorgeous Macrame tree of life wall hanging -Simplest Macrame Wall Hanger - YouTube
Macramé andělka - DIY video návod pro začátečníky (Macramé angel)
Jednoduchý návod na dekoráciu zo špagátu macramé - Š
Jednoduchý návod na macramé lapač
Jednoduchý návod na macramé lapač
Jednoduchý návod na macramé list
Jednoduchý návod na macramé list - YouTube