
20 Pins
I would buy this modern rustic Danish cottage just for the fabulous kitchen without even looking around the rest of the house.
Kalkputz, Beton Ciré, Wandgestaltung | Verwandlung Farben
Hübsche Lösung, in klein für's Gästebad?
Cameron Palmetto Bluff Home - Element Construction
Love the use of the vintage warehouse window frame mirror. Back Row imports many items like this for repurposing.
Bricolage, jardinage et aménagement de la maison
En jouant autour d'un vieux meuble de drapier, avec des produits à matière, on se crée une salle de bain unique.
Reclaimed Barn Wood Vanity For Gabriele Pizzale Design!
Reclaimed Barn Wood Vanity For Gabriele Pizzale Design! | Rebarn, Toronto, Sliding Barn Doors, Hardware, Mantels, Salvage Lumber
15 banheiros com tijolinhos aparente para você se apaixonar
O tijolo aparente é atemporal e pode ser usado, sem restrição alguma, nos mais diferentes ambientes da casa, inclusive no banheiro. O tijolo aparente começ
Start A Fire
We could reuse the hardwood from our pantry and make a bench in the laundry. I love the white and wood look.