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Unleash your inner green thumb
Unleash your inner green thumb with these genius gardening hacks! 🌱✨ Which one will you try first? 🌸 Follow for more - @plantsjoy Credit - @projectpermacultura DM for credit or remove #GardeningHacks #GrowYourOwn #PermacultureLife #EcoGarden #SustainableGardening #GardenGoals #PlantTips #NatureInspired #GreenLiving #BackyardGardener
Quels légumes s’autopollinisent ?
Quels légumes s’autopollinisent ? - Jardinier paresseux
From Seed to Spoon Gardening App on Instagram: "We’ve gotten so many questions about how we attach these hoops to our raised beds, so here’s a video showing exactly how we do it! This simple setup works great for season extension, DIY greenhouses, or protecting your plants with insect netting. Let us know if you have any other questions and we’ll be happy to share tips! #growfood #growyourfood #growyourownfood #gardening #growingfood #vegetablegarden #vegetable #fromseedtospoon #seedtospoon #growfoodnotlawns #letsgrowsomethinggood #hoophouse #diygreenhouse #gardentips #seasonextension #diygardening"
Faire soi-même un potager en carrés, des allées en bois et des bordures de jardin en bambou - Stéphanie bricole
From Seed to Spoon Gardening App on Instagram: "Winter is the perfect time to tackle garden projects like this one! ❄️🌱 In this video, we’re showing just how easy it is to build a cattle panel arch trellis—one of our favorite DIY structures for the garden! We’ve used these for beans, tomatoes, luffa, mini watermelon—you name it! Not only do they save space and keep plants off the ground, but they also create the most beautiful, productive tunnels of greenery! Love them!!!🌿✨ Thinking about adding one to your garden? Now’s the time! Let us know what you’d grow on your trellis! 👇 #GardenProjects #DIYGarden #TrellisGardening #VerticalGardening #GrowYourOwn #GardenInspiration #GrowYourOwnFood #UrbanGardening #OrganicGardening #GardenDesign #SustainableLiving #PlantLovers #diygardening #s
Root on Instagram: "Believe it! This knot is super effective and easy to master 💪✨ @azad.bhai.44 #azadbhai44 #diy #viral #DIY #KnotsMadeEasy"
Ute Katharina on Instagram: "Mini - Futterhäuschen 🤍 Am letzten Wochenende haben wir unsere Weiden geköpft……Aus den Ästen und Zweigen sind diese kleinen Futterhäuschen entstanden. Beim Füttern der Vögel wähle ich gerne hängende und baumelnde Futterstellen um andere Tiere fern zu halten……. Wie gefällt dir das kleine Weidenhäuschen? Thanks for the music @mirko.dukanovic #weiden #weidenflechten #futterhäuschen #vogelbeobachtung #vögelfüttern #gartendiy #vögelbeobachten #wintervögel #gartenvögel #gartenideen #gartenideenfürkinder #flechten #diy #diyer"
Charlotte on Instagram: "A blast of January sun and a new woven cloche in anticipation of big blousy dahlias in need of support this summer. There is a definite hint of spring in the air, and while it might still be a while before any blooms emerge, this is the perfect time of year to be garden prepping and planning. It is also the perfect time of year to coppice hazel for supports. Weaving cloches from our woodland hazel has become an annual tradition. The perfect supports for peonies, roses or anything frothy and delicious that might want propping up. They’re also pretty enough to stand solo and decorate the borders until everything grows up around them. Wishing everyone a cosy evening and sweet dreams of warmer, flower-filled days 🌸 Wearing @daughtersofindia dress & @toast sweat
Thomas Noclercq on Instagram: "Plantation des toutes premières pommes de terre de l’année 2025. Sous serre❗️et avec une protection supplémentaire ❗️pour ne pas risquer les coups de gel. Le but est de récolter des petites pommes de terre primeur vers la mi-avril. 😋 #potager #potagerbio #potagerbiologique #carrepotager #permaculture #thomasetsonpotager #serremaraichere #culturebio #solvivant #autonomie #serre #autonomiealimentaire #instajardin #vegetablegarden #potagerpermaculture #jardinier #countrygarden #organicgardening #inthegardentoday #gardenlife #permaculture #perma #photooftheday #nature #instagood #photooftheday #pommedeterre #pdt #potatoes #patatas #patate #batatas"
Cristof Courcy
Cristof Courcy
Quoi planter pour aider la biodiversité ?
Quoi planter pour aider la biodiversité ?