Central Asia

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Cave of the statues (Cave 77,375-425 CE) Kizil Caves. Xinjiang, China. Self-portrait of the painter
Cave of the statues (Cave 77, 375-425 CE) Kizil Caves-Part of Silk Roads:the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor. Xinjiang,China. Style 1: Gandharan "orange and green" paintings.Carbon testing gave dates ranging from 310+/-80-350+/-60 CE (230-410 CE).Huo&Wang attrib.the cave to the 2nd Period,giving it a date from mid-4th to late 5th c.(c.350-499). Kizil,Kucha.Self-portrait of the painter (104x35 cm), in Central Asian caftan
Indo-Scythians - Wikipedia
SoldiersBattllingAnimals2 - Indo-Scythians - Wikipedia
Indo-Greek Kingdom - Wikipedia
King Hippostratos circa 100 BCE - Indo-Greek Kingdom - Wikipedia
《各国供养人》 唐 佚名 壁画 纵95厘米 横80厘米 甘肃敦煌莫高窟103窟 此图是《维摩诘图》的一部分。描述维摩诘与文殊师利辩法之时,各国供养人皆往探视、恭敬礼佛的神情。供养人中有“昆仑奴”、“婆罗门”、西域胡人等。他们戴不同的帽子,着式样色泽各异的服饰,画家用细腻的画风,将浓郁的生活气息尽现画面。