helloween dine

20 Pins
Holt Bros. Mercantile
Greet your guests with this Country Lighted Welcome Pumpkin. It has 6 stars that accent the warm welcome, creating a rustic look. The LED light inside simulates
Chunky Glitter Pumpkin
Chunky glitter pumpkins are super easy to make and add fun flair to your fall decor!
90 Scary Easy Carving Ideas for Your Best Halloween Pumpkin Ever
Materials • Pumpkin• Washable marker• Knife or pumpkin carver• 8 to 10 toothpicks, snapped in half• Damp cloth• Bamboo skewer or awl• 30 to 40 white Q-tips (fluffy parts cut off)• Olives or other small, soft objects (for eyes) Directions 1. Draw eyes, mouth and scar (an angled horizontal line that goes all the way around) on the pumpkin with the marker. 2. Following the scar line, cut the pumpkin in half. Scoop out the seeds; discard. 3. Insert many half-toothpicks into the bottom part of the...
Upside Down Bat - Cute Kids Pattern - Pumpkin Masters Download & Print Carving Patterns
KS4/5 Halloween Assemby | Teaching Resources
Cat-O-Lanterns: 30 Of The Greatest Halloween Cat Pumpkin Designs [PICTURES] - CatTime
25 (Easy) Free Halloween Pumpkin Carving Templates
15 Adorable Pumpkin Carving Ideas - Rachel's Crafted Life