Fourth Grade Math

Teaching Decimals
Decimal Anchor Chart: Awesome for helping students begin to think about decimals and what they are! Make a chart like this for introducing decimals to your students. Great idea to see what they come up with!
5th grade number patterns with tables
5th grade number patterns with tables - Google Search
This Anchor Chart Provides Questions And Sentence Stems Students Can Use In Classroom Conversations. Compliments Of Eureka Math Writer Colleen Sheeron.
This anchor chart provides questions and sentence stems students can use in classroom conversations. Compliments of Eureka Math writer Colleen Sheeron.
Ms. Math Madness
Great idea for the first day of school! It also gets students to use the SmartBoard if they've never interacted with one before.
Capacity and Conversions
Capacity and Conversions - Fourth Grade Weebly
50 Ideas, Tricks, and Tips for Teaching 4th Grade - We Are Teachers
50 fabulous ideas, finds, tips, tricks, ideas, and freebies for fourth grade lessons, classrooms, classes, students, and teachers
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