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Photographer Profile ~ Miroslav Tichý
anthony luke's not-just-another-photoblog Blog: Photographer Profile ~ Miroslav Tichý
“If we feel our way into the human secrets of the sick person, the madness also reveals its system, and we recognize in the mental illness merely an exceptional reaction to emotional problems which are not strange to us. --"The Content of the Psychoses” ― C.G. Jung, The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease
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"Carolyn Hampton" - from trickery of the beyond ~;^/>
ـ إن نظرتنا هي التي غالبًا ما تسجن الآخرين داخل انتماءاتهم الضيقة ، ونظرتنا كذلك هي التي تحررهم. * أمين معلوف