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198 Pins
35 Creative DIY Planter Tutorials ( How To Turn Anything Into A Planter! )
32 most creative and unique planter tutorials! How to make your own plating containers from from up-cycled and re-purposed objects and materials! - A Piece Of Rainbow Blog
Jeffrey Bale's Mosaic Pilgrimage, a labour of love, a labour of pebbles!
Stone Art Blog: Jeffrey Bale's Mosaic Pilgrimage, a labour of love, a labour of pebbles!
The Master’s Mosaics - The New York Times > Home & Garden > Slide Show > Slide 5 of 11
Mr. Bale's method is unorthodox. Once he finishes selecting his palette of pebbles, he fills small sections at a time, carefully pressing each stone into a slurry of concrete that sets in 20 minutes.
ニュース | 224porcelain
HACKED :: Sasso vase | Japan based 224 Porcelain :: How about plaster of paris or paper mache painted white? Just partially blow up a balloon to the size of a small ball, wrap it in strips of paper or plaster, let it dry, pop the balloon & paint white! Here's a tutorial on the paper mache method: http://www.lifespelledjen.com/search?q=paper+mache | #hack #vases
Cypress Glowing Table (So Doing This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) . I found website about #woodworking here: http://ewoodworkingprojects.com/ .