
23 Pins
Humour, Visual Communication, Save Time, Communication, Humor
the back cover of an advert with candles and holly wreaths in blue background
a snail is sitting on the ground with words written in english and spanish above it
an image of jesus on facebook
the words are written in different languages
the facebook page is shown with an image of a woman's face
családi imádkozás E Cards, Memes, Ecards
Ima a családért
mihály arkangyal Film Posters, Reiki, Healing, Movie Posters
Szent Mihály Főangyal Ima
Szent Mihály a legkönnyebben elérhető, segítőkész arkangyal, aki mindig készen áll, képes és hajlandó segíteni mindazoknak, akik őt hívják. Most megtudhatod hogyan lehet kérni a védelmét...
an orange and red background with the words moltta za odvahu
the text is written in black and white on a gray background with an orange border
a poem written in two languages on a blue sky background with bare trees and clouds
the words are written in different languages