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Cedar Pavillion, modern & clean softened by planting and trees
Cedar Pavillion, modern & clean softened by planting and trees | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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Freestanding modern pergola, be great to have one you could tilt for sun and wind protection...
Ideengalerie – Inspiration für Ihre Gartengestaltung
METTEN Alessio: Alessio ConceptDesign Sichtbeton bauseits gespachtelt und gestrichen (250 x 40 x 10 cm).
Carefully curved stone risers with lawn terraces. Modern glass green house, drifts of ornamental grasses
41 Cheap And Easy Backyard DIYs You Must Do This Summer
#41 I really like this tutorial. I want this kind of flat stone edge, without the stones standing up, right in front of my fence clear around. This just makes it all cleaner looking I think and keeps the dog from peeing on the fence! "Use cement or stone bricks to edge your garden — the lawn mower can cut right up to the edge! | 41 Cheap And Easy Backyard DIYs You Must Do This Summer"