595 Pins
Korálková dutinka - potrubní pošta
(748) Korálková dutinka - potrubní pošta - YouTube
Desert Blossom Bracelet by Cecil Rodriguez - download
Available for download with any order. After ordering you will be able to download the pattern from a link on your receipt. The link expires after 24 hours. The file is a zipped PDF file and needs to be unzipped before opening with Acrobat and Acrobat Reader. If you have any questions please Contact Us. To complete one bracelet you need the following supplies: 30 DiamonDuo beads colour 1 6 DiamonDuo beads colour 2 175 size 11 seed beads Thread
RoseMontee Resort Cuff Tutorial
RoseMontee Resort Cuff -Tutorial--Free beading video using two-hole Dimonduo and rose montee beads
Breathable Face Mask Sewing Tutorial | How to make a Face Mask | Home made Face Cover | mascarilla
(330) Breathable Face Mask Sewing Tutorial | How to make a Face Mask | Home made Face Cover | mascarilla - YouTube
Wave Bracelet//Beaded Bracelet Making// Useful & Easy
(282) Wave Bracelet//Beaded Bracelet Making// Useful & Easy - YouTube
DIY Ажурный жгут из бисера Браслет своими руками Beaded bracelet harness tutorial Давай Порукоделим
(257) DIY Ажурный жгут из бисера Браслет своими руками Beaded bracelet harness tutorial Давай Порукоделим - YouTube
Como FAZER bolinhas de Pérolas | MUITO FÁCIL | Cícero Alencar
(242) Como FAZER bolinhas de Pérolas | MUITO FÁCIL | Cícero Alencar - YouTube
Boncuk Rondela Bileklik Yapımı | Rondelle Beaded Bracelet Tutorial DIY
(242) Boncuk Rondela Bileklik Yapımı | Rondelle Beaded Bracelet Tutorial DIY - YouTube