tvorba venca

91 Pins
Frühlingskranz selber machen
DIY Anleitung für einen Frühlingskranz zum selber machen. Deko Idee aus Naturmaterialien.
Herbstkranz Türe
Türdekoration selber machen. Herbstdekoration aus Naturmaterialien selber machen. herbst Decor DIY Anleitung.
Make Your Own Primitive Fall Twig Wreath
DIY Twig Wreath ~ Shape heavy rusty wire into a 4" circle (old wire coat hanger or use small wreath form). Collect twigs, make bundles using more wire - leave enough wire to fasten to circle. Trim bottoms so bundles are about 6" or 7" long. Make 15 or 20 bundles (this wreath took 17). Attach bundles one at a time, laying them horizontal with the wire frame & overlapping each.