cats lol

7 Pins
So, I have a cat and he LOVES when you scratch his tummy. So I don't know if this is true or or my car is in drugs.
Tommy's Feral Feline Friends - Caturday humor from Tommy's babies. I use to brag to the babies in the shelters that my babies in the colonies never did this to mommy. Well it didn't take long before the babies in the shelters were having a good laugh on me. I have quickly learned whether I am inside or out they all do the same thing....I call it railroading mommy.;) I haven't quite figured this one out. Just today my baby sees me with a hand full of bags and for no apparent human reason she decides to dart out in front me. In the colonies I've had many close calls....last minute they jump in front of me. I think they're are amused by my reactions.;) Do your babies do this? | Facebook
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We had a lot of lovely times with our cats.