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The Goddess Isis - Iset by Erebus-art on DeviantArt
The Goddess Isis - Iset by on @DeviantArt
Jeffery Scott 1019
EGYPTIAN QUEEN OF THE 1019 PROPHECY. Jeffrey Scott 1019 photography.
Lady Bast ~ As the daughter of Ra she was one of the goddesses known as the "Eye of Ra", a fierce protector who almost destroyed mankind but was tricked with blood-coloured beer which put her to sleep and gave her a hangover, stopping the carnage.
Anubis: es un dios funerario del antiguo Egipto, maestro de las necrópolis y patrón de embalsamadores, representado como un gran cánido negro acostado sobre su estómago, probablemente un chacal o un perro salvaje, o como un hombre con cabeza de perro.