Garden - Fruit and Veg

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the growroom: IKEA's innovation lab open sources flat-pack garden
the growroom: IKEA's innovation lab open sources flat-pack garden
Asparagus is one of the tastiest, easiest vegetables you can g row. A little work up front pays off with years of good eating. Find out how to plant and manage this quintessential spring crop.
the growroom: IKEA's innovation lab open sources flat-pack garden
Quick Tip: How to Grow a Pineapple Plant!
Did you know that if you replant the top of a pineapple, not only will it grow, it grows into a very cool, modern looking house plant that you can enjoy all winter?! Visit for instructions.
Gallon of water, 1 chopped onion add to gal of water. let it sit under the sun for 3days and spray it over your veg plants, n flowers to keep bugs from eating the leaves. I personally used it on the lawn and around the windows n doors to keep the bugs n mosquitoes away and it worked. I read this in magazine from old sturbridge village. Cant recall what year
Vegetable Rack with Slide Out Trays
When harvest time comes, you need somewhere to dry all of your produce and store it for the winter. If taken care of properly, you could be enjoying garden fresh carrots and potatoes all winter long! .... With a DIY tutorial
True Blue Me & You DIYs for Creatives
Worth a try. Let me know if it works! Tips: Stones painted as strawberries when put around strawberry plants in the spring will keep birds from eating your berries when they ripen because the birds will think the ripened berries are stones
Worm tubes: drop in kitchen scraps and compost directly in your beds.
How to Grow Asparagus 🎋 in Your Garden
How to Grow Asparagus