
178 Pins
Asparagus Flaat wit Dit, Corlander, Basl, Paseloy, Macigela ewsonsto plan together: Aeparacus Rectle Tomatoes Haat mt 'Ailums Petuaia, Marizeld, asil, Parsley aphies Lettuce Raat wi: 'Camrt, Radish, Bouns, Kostradi Ramonsto pani tegethor Carrots Phane wth Resomary, Sage, Fse Mine 'Reasons te plaat ocetie: Aphide & Carrot Roct Fly Broccoli Pam wt 'Aliirms', Gerantur, Roseraary Reasons plaat yetie. Sweet Cor Wane iy Pla its Potato, Sentower, Parsiey, Boans Rawernt te plaat ingot Past wits Ceraaiom, Dili, Atum", Rocomary Nasturtham easorsto plant tovether: Catorpillare & White Fhy Cucumber rant 8: Nasturttum, Marigald, Carrot Resoors ty plan tagether: Ground Beetles & Whi Flaat wis erania, Tomatoes, Garancun, Tayeres Raaconsto plan teguthor Iplae ayhiae out Neppors, Aphide Potato Beetroot Pumpkin Fat wit at wit last it: Duckwheat, Catnip Hlaat wit: Caret Catnip, Castle, Mint 'Reasons to plant ogetee Aphids Beans Plan wh Aubergino, SemmarSavery 'Reson plant tether Beotes 'hessons to plant tegeter: Spiders, Grourd Boeties Onion yo yv last its Carret ossons plan tege. aphies - iFunny
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