
12 Pins
The Zeppelin Bend (Rosendahl Bend)
The Zeppelin Bend (Rosendahl Bend)
How to Tie a Knot: The 21 Essential Knots You Need to Know
Carrick Bend This Square Knot alternate joins two ropes together securely, and is easier to untie than a Square Knot.
How to Tie a Knot: 12 Essential Outdoor Knots and Hitches
The quick-release highwayman's hitch seems perfectly devised for the (sometimes guilty) pleasures of summer. It's just right for tying a johnboat off to an overhanging branch. And this get-gone-quick hitch is the go-to knot for when you sneak a canoe into the city lake at night (we'd never condone this) for some late bass action (we've heard only "rumors" of big fish) and just might need to boogie out of there fast. Learn to tie it now before the bass start biting.
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Looper trailer buckle.
A Strap Bend not only unites two straps but provides an available eye to attach to. #yearofknots #knotaday #windychienmacrame #macrame #knot #rope #modernmacrame #dsshapes #dswhite #fiberart #knotart #strapbend
How to Tie a Spilled Hitch Bowline
Buntline Hitch