I ♥ GRAPHIC DESIGN | book design

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Dangerous Liasons
Dangerous Liaredesign of the french epistolary novel dangerous liasonsby eva valicsek
Page 3 – Your home for all things Design. Home Tours, DIY Project, City Guides, Shopping Guides, Before & Afters and much more
Page 3 – Your home for all things Design. Home Tours, DIY Project, City Guides, Shopping Guides, Before & Afters and much more
Boekbinden is een levend ambacht, volop in ontwikkeling en kent een grote verscheidenheid aan bindwijzen.
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Dangerous Liasons
redesign of the french epistolary novel dangerous liasonsby eva valicsek
Would make a great idea for a self-promo or leave behind
Home | Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers
Coptic stitch bindings hold a special fascination for me. I'd love to try a coptic stitched leather cover like this!
Minus Minus Plus - Irene Shkarovska
I like the positioning of the text it has no order yet it is very neat. Also the small text boxes of writing are placed randomly. There are elements of disorder yet it looks very ordered.
Dangerous Liasons
redesign of the french epistolary novel dangerous liasonsby eva valicsek