vianocne ozdoby

61 Pins
We're totally hung up on this new alternative Christmas tree trend
We’re totally hung up on this new alternative Christmas tree trend. If your home is short on space during the festive season, then this Christmas tree could be just the way to go. It's a Christmas tree, but not as we know it... #christmastreetrends #modernchristmasdecorating #christmastrends2018
Ondori motif and edging designs
Ondori motif and edging designs Crochet squares, triangles, circles, flowers, fruit, snowflakes, borders ... Online PDF. #Japanese #crochet #book
Creations Crochet D'or
Альбом «Creations Crochet D'or»/Созданный крючком креатив_+++++. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Easy crochet snowflakes pattern - Turquoise with Vanilla
15 crochet snowflakes patterns- free patterns – Turcoaz cu Vanilie