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This may contain: a person is holding a spoon over a bowl full of red lentils on a plate
Red Lentils mini-loaf Breads
Red Lentils mini-loaf Breads In order to make our lentils bread even more nutritious and filling, we added cottage cheese and eggs to boost their protein content even more! If you give these mini breads a try, you’ll be surprised how good they are!#ketodiet #keto #lowcarb #ketolifestyle #ketolife #ketoweightloss #ketorecipes #ketofood #ketosis #ketogenic #ketomeals #ketogenicdiet #lchf #weightloss #ketofriendly #ketotransformation #ketocommunity #ketofam #weightlossjourney #lowcarbdiet #healthyfood #ketoaf #healthylifestyle #ketodinner #fitness #diet #lowcarbhighfat #ketojourney #intermittentfasting #ketobreakfast
This may contain: a person is sprinkling green algae in a bowl on top of a stove
Zutaten: Pasta: 300 g Mehl 250 g Brokkoli 2 TL Salz Soße: 250 g Kichererbsen 2 Knoblauchzehen 200 g passierte Tomaten 100 g Tomatenmark Italienische Kräuter Salz, Pfeffer Toppings: Basilikum, veganer Parmesan Zubereitung: 1. Brokkoli weich kochen, dann zerstampfen 2. Mit Mehl und Salz zu einer festen Teigkugel kneten 3. Mit einer Schere den Teig über kochendem Wasser abschneiden, für 5 min kochen lassen, abschütten 4. Knoblauch und Kichererbsen anbraten, passierte Tomaten und Tomatenmark unterrühren 5. Würzen und Brokkoli Pasta unterheben.
This may contain: some kind of food in a bowl on the stove top with oil and seasoning
Pasta fresca 2 ingredienti zucca🧡🧡
Difficulty: Easy Bentornata zucca, ci eri mancata molto!🧡🧡 Non potete perdervi questa pasta fresca con soli 2 ingredienti! 🎃 @cookingwithbello 📌 Salva il Pin! Ingredienti: 900 g zucca cruda 500 g farina 100 g burro salvia fresca 50 g formaggio grattugiato sale pepe Procedimento: Tagliata la zucca a tocchetti, rimuovere la buccia e cucinate in forno per 40-45 minuti (180° C). Una volta cotta, lasciate la vostra zucca raffreddare completamente. In un mixer aggiungete la zucca e la farina finché formate un impasto omogeneo e formate un disco. Tagliate la vostra pasta fresca sopra l’acqua bollente e cucinate per circa tre minuti o finché la vostra pasta galleggerà. Servite con burro fuso, salvia fresca, formaggio grattugiato e pepe. Buon appetito!
This may contain: a person holding a plastic bag filled with lettuce on top of a wooden table
🇺🇸 Recipe
🇺🇸 Recipe 1 soft cap cooked in boiling water for 10min 500g minced meat 1 onion chopped and stewed in a pan salt Pepper 1 teaspoon paprika For the batter 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sour cream 2 tablespoons of farne Salt and pepper . . 🇮🇹 Ricetta 1 cappuccio morbido cotto in acqua bollente per 10min 500g carne macinata 1 cipolla tritata e stufata in padella Sale Pepe 1 cucchiaino di paprika Per la pastella 2 uova 2 cucchiai di panna acida 2 cucchiai di farne Sale,pepe
205K views · 2.5K reactions | Sie werden von diesem genialen Trick begeistert sein! Aperitif aus Blätterteig, in 15 Min Zutaten: Blätterteig: 700 g Schinken: 150 g Käse: 200 g Eier: 1 St. |
Po babičce z Jižních čech: Domácí nádivka do kuřete
Beef tongue food #chef #food #foodie #cooking