Letisko Piešťany

64 Pins
Gallery of Esrawe + Cadena's Toy-Inspired "Los Trompos" Installation - 3
Gallery of Esrawe + Cadena's Toy-Inspired "Los Trompos" Installation - 3
W Shanghai Hotel – Enviromeant
Environmental Design for W Shanghai Hotel. Designed by Studio Ongarato. @enviromeant.com
Origami... la tendance de l'été pour nos intérieurs
Origami, l'art du pliage | La déco de Félicie - CotéMaison
Look closer! You'll never guess what this incredible, ethereal artwork is made of | CBC Arts
Look closer! You'll never guess what this incredible, ethereal artwork is made of | CBC Arts
emmanuelle moureaux fills shinjuku central park with 100 colors
photos of the work of emmanuelle moureaux | approach to the 1875 hand-dyed textiles swaying in the wind
¿Son los photocalls la nueva decoración para nuestra casa?
¿Son los photocalls la nueva decoración?
Liu Jianhua: Collected Letters - Exhibitions - Asian Art Museum
Asian Art Museum | Liu Jianhua: Collected Letters
People checking out the HOTTEA (alum Eric Rieger) installation at the MIA for Northern Spark by mcadphoto, via Flickr
claude cormier transforms a montréal street into a colorful pedestrian promenade
claude cormier + associés installation above st. catherine’s street, in montréal, québec, uses resin balls in eighteen hues of vibrant colors for his 2017 work titled,‘18 shades of gay.’ Such an ambitious, visually arresting, well-thought out concept. And undeniably beautiful!
playscapes: Stringy yellow tube playscape, Blanton Museum of Art, Houston, Texas
The Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas in Austin has a large outdoor installation of stringy rubber tubes that kids can tie into knots, or grab in bunches to climb or swing, or just run through!
Known mostly in for his graffiti-influenced string tags on the streets of Minneapolis, Eric Rieger aka HOT TEA, recently completed this massive installation at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Titled Letting Go, the piece uses 84 miles of colored string that forms the artist’s interpretation of the sun.
chiharu shiota tethers a labyrinth of red yarn to boat carcasses at blain|southern
chiharu-shiota-uncertain-journey-blain-southern-designboom-02 complex mesh labyrinth reaches down towards a series ofl boat hulls. the red color symbolises the interior of the body,thread strands refer to the neural connections in the brain. the boats intend to raise existential questions of fate and belonging - migrations
BRABBU Design Forces - Contemporary Home Furniture - BRABBU Design Forces
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