Art & Design

6 Pins
Publisher Spotlight: Fruitcake Magazine
Unleash your inner Stan Lee with Fruitcake Magazine! 📝 🎨 Fruitcake is a comic art magazine at UC Santa Cruz that provides a creative outlet for students wishing to express themselves and share their work with the general public. Check out their collection; it's quite a Marvel 😜
Flipbook Friday: Palecek
Palecek is a name synonymous with contemporary design, curiosity, and quality craftsmanship. Explore how this exceptional brand uses Issuu to showcase its beautiful work for the world through digital catalogs.
Publisher Spotlight: Scarlette Magazine
Whether you're a master with aesthetics or simply possess an appreciation for the little things in life, Ohio State's Scarlette Magazine has you covered with the latest in modern art and fashion. 👠 Have a peek at their first edition of 2023!
Issuu's Digital Architecture Portfolios
Architecture portfolios are vital for newbies and seasoned professionals alike to tell their story and get their work seen. Tap the link below and take a look at a curated stack of innovative digital architecture portfolios hosted on Issuu! 🔥🤩
InDesign x Issuu: Designing Content Experiences That Inspire Action
🚨NEW EBOOK ALERT🚨 Discover how design and marketing professionals can make their content stand out, engage readers, and drive measurable actions and outcomes with Adobe InDesign and Issuu!
Bring your designs and portfolios to life with immersive flipbooks
Whether it’s your online architecture portfolio, latest art project, or digital design portfolio, how you present your work is a clear reflection of your brand and expertise. Issuu’s all-in-one platform empowers you to digitize your work and elevate it with a powerful range of engaging elements, resulting in on-brand assets that captivate viewers and connect with your audience. Learn more!