
75 Pins
The Collector’s Guide to Antique Floral China Patterns
From feminine chintz to fanciful English roses, here's the dish on some of the most popular patterns to ever grace American tables. Follow rickysturn/fine-china
How to create a Plate Wall hanging for less than $30
how to create a plate wall for less than $30. This was for a dining room display. I love modern blue and white decor! Click through for this DIY with tips on how to make the perfect arrangement
Cheap Invisible Plate Hangers
Cheap Invisible Plate Hangers - I wanted invisible plate hangers for my plate wall but I was not willing to spend a few dollars each for each hanger, so this is…
Top 5 Modern Interior Colors for Pleasant Atmosphere
Top 5 Modern Interior Colors for Pleasant Atmosphere This color was chosen for the color of 2013. Designers welcomed this color with open arms and found many ways to use it at home. It has been proven that green color act mesmerizing to the eyes as associated with nature and brings peace and life into the room. The emerald is a strong color in nature so you can choose some of its variants – light green, popular shades of mint or olive color. Turquoise blue and green are perfect for details or f
talloor wall decoration-i'm pretty sure we actually have enough plates to do this :-)
Drink it all in | The Lovely Drawer
Bemalte Untersetzer DIY
Sperm Whale Tilda Tutorial and Pattern
??????? ??????, ????????, ????????-???????. Toys tilde, patterns, flowers
いいね!2,070件、コメント7件 ― フリーデザインさん(@freedesign_jp)のInstagramアカウント: 「. 陶房ななかまど 石川県金沢市で陶器製品を作る「陶房ななかまど」。陶芸作家である小林 大さん・かのこさんの 2人が中心となって活動を行っています。 お気に入りのうつわを使えば、…」