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Sunflower growing | Plant & Flower Stock Photography:
Visualizza le migliori Garden disegnato da Tom Stuart-Smith, Daily Telegraph Garden 2006 Chelsea Flower Show
Tom Hare, Willow man
Wow! Woven willow outside classroom. This picture was taken in March 2011 but the willows have leafed out and provide shelter from sun and light rain for the students. So cool.
Saul Nursery "The Swamp" Greenroof -
Green Roof by Saul Nursery (Atlanta, GA). Can use various species of: Sedum, Delospermas, Sempervivums, and Jovivarbas
Fantastic Summer DIY Project – Build Swings Around a Campfire
If you have the space, this #DIY #swing project would be perfect for #backyard gatherings!