
28 Pins
Epicanthus is a vertical fold, Anatomy For Sculptors
ArtStation - Epicanthus is a vertical fold, Anatomy For Sculptors
‘Linear Construction No. 2‘, Naum Gabo, 1970–1 | Tate
‘Linear Construction No. 2’, Naum Gabo, 1970-1 | Tate
Wishing sculptor Anish Kapoor the happiest birthday!! We were thrilled to bring his inversion of the NYC skyline, Sky Mirror to Rockefeller Center in 2006.
AC001.jpg | Friends of San Diego Architecture
Alexander Calder: Stabile, "Flamingo". Federal Building, Chicago. Photo '76, Asymmetrisch=Een symmetrische vorm is een vorm waarvan de 2 helften helemaal (of bijna helemaal ) gelijk zijn Vormen die dat niet zijn , noem je asymmetrisch, organische vormen zijn vaak asymmetrisch
A Library That Plummets into an Abyss by Susanna Hesselberg for Sculpture by the Sea — Colossal
A Library That Plummets into an Abyss by Susanna Hesselberg for Sculpture by the Sea
Contemporary Sculptures of Japanese Artist Odani Motohiko - Hi-Fructose Magazine
Contemporary Sculptures of Japanese Artist Odani Motohiko | Hi-Fructose Magazine
Contemporary Sculptures of Japanese Artist Odani Motohiko - Hi-Fructose Magazine
Japanese Artist Odani Motohiko ... woman on horse
William Forsythe: Choreographic Objects, Le Bourget, October 15–December 22, 2017
"William Forsythe: Choreographic Objects,” October 15–December 22, 2017, Gagosian Le Bourget