
maj 2013
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The Cave of the Apocalypse is situated about halfway up the mountain on the Aegean island of Patmos, along the road between the villages of Chora and Skala. This grotto is believed to mark the spot where John the Apostle of Jesus received his visions that he recorded in the Book of the Revelation. This is where John was exiled by the Romans.
The Translation of St. John the Theologian
Fresco from the exonarthex of the Monastery of St. John, Patmos
Cave of the Apocalypse - Patmos, Greece
The Cave of the Apocalypse is situated between the villages of Skala and Chora on the island of Patmos in Greece. It is in this cave that Christians believe St. John the Theologian saw Christ and visions of "fire and brimstone" that John dictated to his disciple, Prochoros, in what is known today as the Book of Revelation.
Greek Chapel, Patmos | David Henderson Photography
A small chapel outside the Monastery of St. John in Patmos, Greece
frescoes - Chora, Patmos - Greece, monastery of Saint John the Theologian… -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbsptumblr photographers photos black white artwork art photography vintage vintage photos vintage Resources and Information.
François Le Diascorn: Four women in black from the back, Patmos, Greece, 1980