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Helix Nebula - It Looks like God has Another 'Eye' in the Sky. He Watches Over Us with Loving Kindness and Compassion.
GEORGE & BRAD TAKEI Present: Team Takei
This object, called the Helix nebula, lies 650 light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius. Also known by the catalog number NGC 7293, it is a typical example of a class of objects...
Who Are You Based On Your Answer To The World's Greatest Philosophical Questions?
Uhm, This Place Is Truly A Wonderful Surprise...Now I'm Getting Really Curious About Samissomar's Pinterests !... http://samissomarspace.wordpress.com
Eye of the cosmos. Taken from the Hubble telescope
The Eye of God... The Helix Nebula: a Gaseous Envelope Expelled By a Dying Star
M57, the Ring Nebula - Credits: NASA/ESA/A.van der Hoeven/R. Gendler/C. Robert O’Dell (Vanderbilt University)/D. Thompson (LBTO)
M57, The Ring Nebula - Composite Image from Hubble Space Telescope, Large Binocular Telescope and Meter Subaru Telescope. - Image Assembly and Processing : Robert Gendler
Witch Mom
It's called "The Eye of God"...of course, space travel is out of the question...but it's mysterious and peaceful all at once...Jesus! Quit staring at me!
Rosette Nebula (NASA, Spitzer, 04/18/07)
Rosette Nebula (NASA, Spitzer, 4/18/07). This infrared image shows the Rosette nebula, a star-forming region more than 5000 ly away in the constellation Monoceros. Lurking inside this nebula are so-called 'danger zones'. These zones surround super hot stats, called O-stars (blue stars inside spheres), which give off intense winds & radiation. Young cooler stars that just happen to reside within one of these zones are in danger of having their dusty planet-forming materials stripped away.
The Eye of God...
Wandering black hole observed in a galaxy far, far away
In deep space, there lies a wandering black hole moving from galaxy to galaxy, absorbing matter at a relentless rate.
EMBODY ILLUMINATI - Cease to dwell pessimistically upon the wrongs...
All The Universe Suddenly Has Been Watching Us !...Curious If We´re Changing To One Better Human Being !...Uptlifting Our Self Consciousness To The Infinite Of Cosmos !...Finally To Have Our Greatest Space Family Desired Meeting !...© http://about.me/Samissomar Do You Like My Poetryscapes ?... Samissomar