
259 Pins
Fabulous tree ... National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Ireland
Fabulous tree ... National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Ireland by Eva0707
The Great Dismal Swamp
A tree with roots so grand, from which I can extract the energy to free my friends and vanquish my foes.
Ceiba Tree, Common Name is Kapok, Native to Mexico
Ceiba Tree, Common Name is Kapok, Native to Mexico by conkjodi
Like a huge flower bouquet | The desert rose in Socotra, a small archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean: “The most alien looking place on earth”. #Yemen by Mariebleu
Young Elephant
Animal Kingdom at Disney World Best Vision in The World!: - added a new photo.
Artist Peter Cook grew this living garden chair using shaping methods, primarily training a living tree through constricting the direction of branch growth. Imagine if we didn't have to cut down trees for these uses!
Jack Skellington Oreo Pops Are The Easiest Halloween Treat
Nightmare Before Christmas fans: you're going to flip over these Jack Skellington Oreo Pops. Get the recipe at