
Funny Pictures Of The Day - 45 Pics
Don't tell me to "be quite"..."calm down" etc. I will go ninja old person on you!
Funny Workplace Memes & Ecards | Someecards
"Sorry, but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, a hieroglyph, and the blood of a virgin." #ITHumor
YES! Maybe you should go back to first learn how to spell again!
Say It With Sarcasm! - 38 Pics
Say It With Sarcasm! – 38 Pics
someecards other people The 100 Best SomeEcards For Every Situation
Dejà poo. The overwhelming feeling that you've heard that shit before...
Dejà poo. The overwhelming feeling that you've heard that shit before... | Breakup Ecard |
Animate your ecards with the free Animate Me app. Make photos talk and move to the sound you apply - Turn this ecard into a funny video ecard!
23 Awkward Moments Every Introvert Understands
When someone cancels plans on you and apologizes profusely, but you were about to cancel on them anyway. | 23 Awkward Moments Every Introvert Understands
Despite what they say, math can be enjoyable! #someecards #math