Papierové snehové vločky

9 Pins
This may contain: two hands are holding up a piece of paper to make snowflakes on the table
Easy Paper SnowFlake diy - Christmas Decorations
Easy Paper SnowFlake diy - Christmas Decorations Welcome to my channel CRAFTMANIA USA! My channel has a lot of different interesting ideas for Christmas and New Year's decorations! Lots of inexpensive and awesome DIY crafts! In my videos I show how to make Christmas decorations, Christmas crafts, Christmas tree decorations. #shorts #snowflake #papercraft #papersnowflake #Christmasdecorations #newyear #christmastree #craft #craftideas #christmascrafts #diy #CRAFTMANIA_USA
Auch wenn ich schon gefühlt 100 Papiersterne gebastelt habe, ist es zum Schluss immer wieder ein bisschen wie Zauberei, wenn man die Tüten dann auseinander faltet und diese wunderschönen Sterne entstehen. Findet ihr nicht? 😇 Das braucht ihr: - 10 Papiertüten - Schere - Heißkleber - Jutekordel ___________ Even if I’ve already folded what feels like 100 paper stars, it still feels a bit like magic every time you unfold the bags and these beautiful stars emerge. Don’t you think? 😇 You will ne...
This may contain: someone is making christmas stars out of white paper on a wooden table with other decorations
#merrychristmas #noel #joyeuxnoel #decorationinterieur #fête #santaclausvillage #bricolage #diy #Tips #bienetreafrique #lalafashionafrica #fête #Christmas #happynewyear #déco #interior
38 Easy Handmade Christmas Ornaments
38 Handmade Christmas Ornaments - DIY Paper Snowflake Ballerinas