
133 Pins
reiulf ramstad arkitekter: trollwall restaurant and service building
Reiulf Ramstad Architects | Trollveggen service | New restaurant and service building
50 schmale Los-Häuser, die ein dünnes Äußeres in etwas spezielles umwandeln - Dekoration İdeas 2019 - Yorgo
50 schmale Los-Häuser die ein dünnes Äußeres in etwas spezielles umwandeln Dekoration İdeas 2019 Home Décor Products: Home & Kitchen: Home Décor Accents, Window Treatments, Rugs, Pads & Protectors & More
The Kiel Steel House by BLK2 Böge Lindner K2 Architekten is a saddle-roofed housing development completely clad with Cortensteel/ The saddle roof a sign of traditional house typology connects the piece to the old town centre while the rough steel illustrates the city of Kiels industrial shipbuilding industry/ Upload your firms projects and discover more on - Architecture and Home Decor - Bedroom - Bathroom - Kitchen And Living Room Interior Design Decorating Ideas - #architecture
Fitness area furnished to host air yoga exercises, the warm matte wood cladding covers the entrance and contrasted with black reflective flooring and ceiling creating a warm yet energized space in the ladies fitness center, by Comelite Architecture, Structure and Interior Design. #minimalinterior #concretewall #moderninterior #gymarea #fitnesscenterdesign
Gallery of School in Ejea de Los Caballeros / Cruz Diez García + Santiago Carroquino Larraz - 4
School in Ejea de Los Caballeros / Cruz Diez García + Santiago Carroquino Larraz. Love the glass. Gorgeous.
Galeria de Centro de Saúde de Porreres / MACA Estudio de Arquitectura - 4
Centro de Saúde de Porreres MACA Estudio de Arquitectura Maiorca/Espanha
Use Bright Colors To Highlight An Entrance And Make A Statement
Use Bright Colors To Highlight An Entrance And Make A Statement