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Succulent identification chart & growing info, climate zones, conditions, etc. for a wide variety of succulents
Indoor Gardening in a Manufactured Home • Mobile Home Living
Indoor Gardening succulents
Choosing Plants For A Rockery
Picea glauca "Alberta Globe" - useful dwarf conifer for a rock garden or alpine sink.
JJL Greenhouse, Inc - Acanthus mollis (Bear�s Breech)
Acanthus - SHADE! or sun. Mollis - 4-5 flu high in bloom. Leaves to 2 ft long !!! Combine with Hosta 'August Moon', Ophiopogon (Black Mondo Grass), Acanthus or Carex 'Bowles Golden' and Brunnera Bulgloss
Maples/Acer palmatum 'Koto no ito' - Fall color - 20" box specimen
Acer Palmatum "Koto no Ito" or harpstring maple. Container specimen, grows to roughly 12 feet in height and width. Green in Spring/Summer. Brilliant orange in Autumn. Strapleaf.
Other Ground Covers Sold At Michigan Bulb
Benikaze Japanese Forest Grass. Flowing green leaves turn brilliant red in fall. At 2-3' tall, this grass is beautiful cascading down a bank or retaining wall and thrives even in full shade which is unusual for grasses. Also nice as a ground cover or container planting.
My favorite conifer: Sciadopitys verticillata Japanese Umbrella Pine - Needles are the softest.