
60 Pins
Small Cool 2012: Small Spaces with Big Design
want the grey side table/dressing table! Good grey to repaint my dressing table
Hanging Coat Rack hannah Wood Clothes Rail Coat Rail Coat Hooks Wood Coat Rack Wood Hanging Coat Rack Oak - Etsy
Hanging Wardrobe hannah Wood Hanging Clothes - Etsy
27 Gorgeous Bedrooms That'll Inspire You to Redecorate
my stories was a big yes to see my bedroom styled completely. . #roomdecorfor12yearolds
Ikea Wall Light Hack
After 3 1/2 years of living in this house I finally feel like I’m getting my decorating mojo back. This year I am committed to finishing up rooms, since every single room in this house still feels like a work in progress. I have a few minor tweaks to our bedroom to share with...Read More »
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Regal Kleiderstange für Babysachen im Kinderzimmer Just Like Hannah – 2019 - Curtains Diy