
220 Pins
Beginner's vegetable garden, salad garden, herb garden, tomato garden, canning garden, salsa garden, northern and southern seed collections - downloadable pdf charts
Grow Your Own Sprouts on Your Kitchen Counter Top Project - The Homestead Survival
sprouting chart
Home Vegetable Gardening
a guide to how much you should space your vegetable seeds when planting
Growing Veggies Chart - a nice condensed guide to for when to start your seeds and plant care through the season.
Make Your Own Greenhouse
Make Your Own Greenhouse. Wondering if the temperature could be more controlled if it had more arch support so that more snow could be packed up & over the whole thing...
DIY: Homegrown Tomatoes Upside Down Planter - 1001 Gardens
You'd like to grow tomatoes but you're short on space ? Then this unusual growing method is for you ! It's proven to be very effective and if done properly can greatly increase the amount of tomatoes you can grow in a…
Brilliant vegetable garden tips, tricks and hacks for starters
common garden pests and how to manage them
Companion Plant Visual Chart for your Garden - [Mom Prepared]
Visual Companion Planting Chart (Guide) - Companion Planting -- just not for helping your plants make friends, but to help your plants grow to the best of their ability by having great neighbors to help them along! Give your garden plants new best friends!
Mini Greenhouses
Create portable mini greenhouses out of plastic storage containers for starting seeds and nurturing young plants.
Make a Your Own Mini Greenhouse--Cheap and Easy!
Make a Your Own Mini Greenhouse--Cheap and Easy
Pole Bean Tepee Hideaway
Pole Bean Teepee Hideaway - pick beans from inside or out and in the shade provided, you could sow salad greens
Improving Clay Soil
How to deal with clay soil in the garden...cover crops in the fall and mulch all growing season long is key