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Designers Share 8 Tips Our Minimalist Decorators Need
Interior Design Minimalist Living Room is entirely important for your home. Whether you pick the Minimalist Apartment Living Room or Minimalist Lifestyle Simple Living, you will create the best Minimalist Tips Simple Living for your own life. Here are some inspirations of Minimalist Living Room With Kids that you hope to see SOONER. #InteriorDesignMinimalistLivingRoom #MinimalistLivingRoomRustic #CozyMinimalistLivingRoom #ModernLivingRoomMinimalist
The Facade Of These Townhouses Welcomes Visitors With Cantilevered Planter Boxes
In this modern living room, the double-height space has large windows that look out onto the backyard. The wall behind the couch has built-in lighting to break up the solid wall, as well as helping to creating a unique atmosphere.
30+ Minimalist Living Room Ideas & Inspiration to Make the Most of Your Space
Minimalist Living Room Ideas & Inspiration to Make the Most of Your Space
53坪_現代風客廳案例圖片_近境制作_近境制作_65之4-設計家 Searchome
53 坪的住宅空間,設計師給予公領域開放規劃,透過線條的沉穩律動闡述視覺層次,並加入石、木、鍍鈦等材質潤色空間,搭配光影效果,傳遞空間多變的生活面向,快跟著小編一起走進來看看吧! 一走進玄關,可見牆面飾以鏡面與燈光,加入俐落的線條妝點,凸顯簡約生活哲學;客廳融入純淨的木色與陽剛的石色,配合造型簡潔的家具,互補搭配出自然穩定的氛圍,並在沙發後方牆面鋪陳律動的線性表情,平衡整體空間重量;餐廳、客廳之間則相互連貫,透過天花與地坪的材質轉換,無形中界定彼此範圍,且沿著居家廊道立面作出展示櫃設計,融入燈光效果,在明暗交錯之間映照出視覺趣味性;臥房突破了傳統的硬體牆界定形式,挹注流暢流動的動線設定,並經由窗戶導入斑駁光影,塑造輕盈美好的休憩時光;更衣間選用黑色系為基底,加入層板作出堆疊線條,並給予燈光投射,創造出帶有個性魅力的空間特質! 小編的最愛 衛浴延續石色與木色的色彩底調,搭配鏡面與反光材質妝點,瞬間提升空間質感,且融入直角與圓弧語彙,使空間立體不失溫婉!