
169 Pins
Překvapivě to funguje! Prostě držte prsty v těchto polohách a uvidíte ty zdravotní divy
Překvapivě to funguje! Prostě držte ruce v těchto polohách a uvidíte ty zdravotní divy
Which Stone Do You Need: The Guide to Know the Best Crystal for You
The Bioenergy Guide about how to Know the Best Crystal for healing and spiritual awakening | Find out the Crystal that supports your transformation and chakra balancing.
Phoenix (Consciousness) Rising From the Esoteric Ashes of Pyrification! | Lifting The Veil- Cullen Smith
Phoenix (Consciousness) Rising From the Esoteric Ashes of Pyrification! | Lifting The Veil / Cullen Smith on Patreon
The oldest tech is some of the most classified tech of our times. The idea that the Egyptians harnessed electricity through the use of physioelectricirty through the pyramids is probably the most buried and classified fact of this planet.