
81 Pins
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This is a goose egg pysanka painted aqua and decorated with white and aqua wax. To create this egg, I use the pinhead method also known as the drop-and-pull pinhead method. In this method, mostly used in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Lithuania, a pin stylus is used as a tool.
I start work on a scrap yarn ripple afghan - Crochetbug
crochet ripple swatch, crochetbug, scrap yarn crochet, yarn scraps,
Ostereier natürlich färben
Ostereier natürlich färben: Anleitungen & Rezepte - [GEO] BASTELN ZU OSTERN - Ostereier natürlich färben Ostereier natürlich zu färben, bringt nicht nur Spaß, sondern ist auch noch richtig leicht! Denn mit Produkten aus der Natur lassen sich tolle Effekte auf den Eierschalen erzielen. Und dabei könnt ihr auch noch auf eure Gesundheit achten, denn Zwiebelschalen, Spinat oder Rotkohl sind gesünder als Chemiefarben aus dem Supermarkt.
3" Ceramic Highly Detailed Easter Egg Tree • $14.99
Czech traditional Easter Eggs "Kraslice" (Moravia, Europe)-blue/white wax
Inzercia SK - inzeráty a bazár zdarma
Zväčšiť: Veľkonočné vajíčka kraslice madeirové dierkované
Cashback portál Tipli - Získejte peníze z online nákupů
30 nejkrásnějších velikonočních vajíček
This item is unavailable | Etsy
This is a very small duck egg (medium chicken size egg) in its natural white color. It is decorated in soft green, yellow, and pink wax. To create this egg, I used the pinhead method also known as the drop-and-pull pinhead method. In this method of making pysanky, mostly used in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Lithuania, a pin stylus is used as a tool. The head of the pin is dipped into hot wax and applied to the eggshell. There are two basic techniques used in this method: wax-embo...
Potěšení z drátků... a nejenom z nich
Potěšení z drátků... a nejenom z nich
3" Ceramic Highly Detailed Easter Egg Tree • $14.99
Czech traditional Easter Eggs "Kraslice" (Moravia, Europe)-blue/white wax
Kraslice-tmavě fialová
drop and pull