
27 Pins
When Mushrooms Attack | The Outside Story
The Outside Story: “When Mushrooms Attack” by Rachel Sargent. Illustration by Adelaide Tyrol. “There was a time in the waters known by the Abenaki peoples as Kwenitegok, “The oyster mushroom: delicious, frequently spotted on veggie pizzas, and predatory. That's right. The hyphae of many fungi, including the oyster mushroom, attack and paralyze prey…”
Ботаническое строение Одуванчика
Ботаническое строение Одуванчика
Embroidery Pattern from Parsley by Eva Juliet on etsy.com via Flickr. Image Only. jwt
Cirsium Muticum
Description Cirsium muticum is a purple flowered thistle. It is found in low grounds from Newfoundland to West Virginia.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Chamomile has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years to calm anxiety and settle stomachs. Chamomile is best known as an ingredient in herbal tea.